Smoking- A major cause of Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a malignancy that is characterized by the abnormal growth of the cells in the lungs. In this disorder, the normal cells of the body undergo a transformation that causes them to grow abnormally and multiply without control and potentially spread to other parts of the body.

The chance of development of this disorder in the smokers is much higher than the non-smoker. One thing that we all need to understand is that there is nothing as a safe way to use tobacco. With the years of research, it has been found that the number of years you spend smoking creates more effects than the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day. If any person is the chain smoker and he is unable able to quit completely, cutting down the number of cigarettes he smokes a day can be a good first step.



Around 90% of lung cancer cases are attributed to the use of Tobacco. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. Even the passive smoking i.e inhaling the smoke exhaled by smokers by the non-smokers is also a major cause of development of lung tumor. Smoking results in damaging of person DNA, including key genes that protect us against this disease. Moreover, smoking makes the immune system of the person less effective.


Signs of Lung Cancer

Usually, the symptom of lung cancer is not very obvious and completely depends on person to person. However, there are some common signs of Lung cancer that can be recognized in people.

• A consistency cough and hoarseness
• Shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest pain
• Blood-streaked sputum
• Chest pain
• Frequent episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia
Weight loss, weakness, and fatigue


One day or the other smoking will definitely kill you but before that, you can definitely face some serious medical conditions due to smoking. Even If you are smoking for years you can quit now to reduce the risk of lung cancer.

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